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Inspired by the national “We are the 99 Percent” movement, a Monterey County 521 member has become a regular activist at Occupy Monterey.

Two nights per week, Justin Light, a public works employee with Monterey County, pitches his tent at the Occupy Monterey site, thereby joining thousands of activists across the nation in a movement that has underscored the stark contrast between the rich and the poor.

In addition to income inequality, Occupy Monterey demonstrators have created a list of principles that they are standing up for. Read the Occupy Monterey Principles. (PDF)

“We all have different reasons for being here, but we adopted one set of principles,” he said. “You don’t have to agree with all of the reasons, but if something hits home, this is your occupy.”
“We want social justice. They gave millions of dollars to banks and it’s not going to social programs. They used public money to bail out banks and corporations, and now they’re holding up tax payers with their interest rates. There’s something wrong with that.”