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Occupy in Santa Cruz, Oct. 14, 2011
Doreen Prieto, a Typist Clerk III for Santa Cruz County who attended the Oct. 14 action.

521 members and community members marched on big banks in downtown Santa Cruz Oct. 14, 2011. Fed up with a broken economic system, members are mobilizing across the country.

From actions protesting banks to “occupying” various cities, our goals include making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, and escalating our demand for Jobs Not Cuts. Click here to see more actions.

“People like myself and my daughter, we did all the right things,” said Doreen Prieto, a Typist Clerk III for Santa Cruz County who attended the Oct. 14 action. “We went to school. We pay our debts. We pay our rent. We go to work. And yet we’re losing ground.”

The Oct. 14 action was called “Big Banks: Make Them Pay, Bank Local.” Demonstrators rallied on the steps of Chase, Bank of America and Well Fargo, and also joined protestors at Occupy Santa Cruz.

“I don’t know where this is going, but I hope it keeps building momentum because I’m at the end of my rope,” Prieto said. “One thing people should do right away is take all of their money out of the big banks. Take your money to your local credit union and use that money in our community, for small business owners and for people like me and my daughter.”