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2012 Greatest HitsPrevious Track:
1- 2012: Worker power rebooted
Next Track:
3- Huge political victories!
This year, 150 workers at health care provider Clinica de Salud del Valle de Salinas came to together and fought for a union voice by choosing to join our SEIU Local 521 family.
Clinica de Salud workers provide health care services in Monterey County with an emphasis on services for farm worker families and the agricultural community. Our new members include medical assistants, dental assistants, and medical records clerks who are now negotiating their first contract.
During the campaign, Clinica workers received overwhelming support from the community. Local elected officials and advocacy groups publicly pledged to stand with workers, maintaining that Clinica’s vital health services could only improve when workers have a voice and the ability to work collaboratively with management.

We’re with you, Clinica de Salud!!