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Puppy looking for new homeKern County Animal Control will be moving to a new location starting next month. Currently, they share space in the city shelter but will be moving out of the shared facility by Sept. 30.
SEIU Local 521 members are working hard to make the transition as easy as possible for the animals currently housed there.
Maggie Kalar, Public Information Officer/Marketing and Promotions Associate for the organization, has fielded calls from across the country from people and organizations looking to help.

“The outpouring of support has been incredible,” said Kalar. “The closure of our facility has become a national issue.”

Kern County has historically had high numbers of animals in the shelter and clearing a public shelter of all animals is challenging. SEIU members are looking to host an SEIU Day at the shelter to help pack and move all of the animals and equipment to a new facility.
The county signed a lease on Sept. 10 and the new facility will be located at 3951 Fruitvale Ave beginning next month.
If you are able to adopt an animal or want to foster an animal for a few months during the transition, please call call 661-321-3000 or go to: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/acd