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Fed up with stagnant low-wages, insufficient healthcare coverage, and an extreme lack of progress from management in negotiations, workers from the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) in Salinas sent a strong message to management: “Unidas Para Huelga!” or “United to Strike!”

Workers have been trying to negotiate a fair contract with management for three years with no luck. While MAOF’s CEO has received massive pay raises and is paid more than $180,000 a year, the MAOF workers are paid less than $12 an hour (many of them are part time employees) and have received no raises in four years. Workers must also pay $40 a month for an inadequate healthcare plan that covers medical expenses over $5,000 a year.

Sick and tired of unfair treatment, members took action March 21, 2013, when MAOF’s management flew up from Los Angeles for a mandatory all-staff meeting. Members took over the meeting and walked out with “Rosita the Riveter” signs saying MAOF workers are “Unidas Para Huelga!” which means “United to Strike!” Over two hours, members chanted in the meeting room, lobby and parking lot.

Although management attempted to intimidate workers, members remained united and strong. It’s clearly a new day at MAOF.