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Facing a $3.9 million budget deficit, City of Salinas workers urged the city council on Feb. 26 to save $890,000 of surplus money for a rainy day, rather than spend it on small projects.
The council agreed with workers not to make a decision just yet, and voted unanimously to move the spending recommendations to the finance committee for further review.
Whether to spend $890,000 of surplus Measure V funds became an issue of fiscal responsibility for city workers. Workers lobbied elected leaders to save the money instead, especially because a budget deficit could lead to cuts in services and layoffs.

“The fiscally responsible thing to do is to put these funds in the reserve to help close the city’s budget gap in 2014-15 so we don’t see cuts to city services like police officers, librarians, parks, and roads.”
Ray Montemayor, President of SEIU Local 521, City of Salinas Blue Collar Chapter

Workers attended the city council meeting and directly addressed the city council.

Any cuts to services would be detrimental to residents of this community. Spending surplus money during a financial crisis is fiscally irresponsible. We have rallied to stop all excess and unnecessary spending.”
Kristy Parker, Building Permit Specialist, City of Salinas

What’s next: The spending recommendations will go to the finance committee for further review and return to the council for a final vote.