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Back to Victories

Click here for the flyer: http://bit.ly/1HikZXi
After nearly four years, we have a contract in Fresno County! The vote count concluded on Friday night after years of negotiation, rallies, protests and actions. The contract moves us well on our way back to normal relations with Fresno County and is a testament to the solidarity members have shown over the years. In order to be final, the contract must still be approved by the Board of Supervisors at the next regularly scheduled board meeting on July 14.
This contract will begin to help SEIU members recover from the impact of the cuts that they have suffered over the last four years. It returns pay to working people in Fresno County with a contract that puts our community first. Since our last contract in 2011, members have stood strong and continued to push back. In January of this year, two board members were replaced which provided an opportunity to start repairing the relationship between workers and the County.  We are glad to see the new Board of Supervisors moving in a new direction that acknowledges the needs of our community and front-line workers who serve the public every day. This is a fantastic victory for working families in Fresno County.

Fresno County Chapter President Laura Basua said, “We may never have a fight like this again and the members who made it through are absolutely incredible. We’re all going to get some rest and then it’s time to get back to work building our chapter, developing new shop stewards, and creating an even stronger union for the next generation of working men and women.”

Fresno County Chapter