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Member Laura Basua was successful in her pursuit for an open general member seat on Fresno County’s Employee Retirement. After receiving the endorsement of SEIU 521, Laura, members, and 521 staff reached out to members at worksites, rallies and through the phone to ensure this seat was won by our endorsed member. Laura won this five way race with an impressive 39% of the vote, a full 12% more then the second place candidate. These elections results are proof positive that we are stronger when we stand together.

Laura Wins Retirement Board Seat“A great big heartfelt Thank You! I am truly humbled by everyone who supported my campaign and voted for me. This could not have been done without your dedication and support. I continue to pledge to be the employees’ voice in advocating and protecting our retirement plan.
Once again, THANK YOU!”
— Laura Basua, Job Specialist III
Fresno County Department of Social Services
Fresno County Retirement Board Member

Did you know?
The Fresno County Board of Retirement is a 9 person board. It is made up by the County Treasurer, 2 elected general members, 1 safety member elected by the safety members, 1 retired member elected by retirees and 4 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Interested in learning more about pensions?
Join the SEIU 521 Pension Committee. Contact Jesse.Lifton@seiu521.org for more information.
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