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2012 Greatest HitsPrevious Track:
6- Members in the media
Next Track:
8- Fighting for workers’ rights
Members joined 3,000 SEIU member delegates in Denver, Co. for the SEIU International Convention in May with the theme: “Lead. Unite. Fight. Win for the 99%.”
Delegates representing 2.1 million union members vowed to engage with strategic partners and to recruit, train and mobilize more than 100,000 member-leaders across the union who will reach out to friends, neighbors and co-workers to win a fair and just economy for the 99%.
Members unanimously re-elected Mary Kay Henry as International President and Eliseo Medina as International Secretary-Treasurer.

“The solution is clear. The 99% needs to unite. We need to unite at the workplace, we need to unite at the polls, and we need to unite in the streets. We need to organize outside the bounds of our union,” said Mary Kay Henry.

View Mary Kay Henry’s speech
Members also created a cultural presentation called “We Are the Ones!” and performed at the Convention. See the video.