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How to complete a timesheet for processing in CMIPS II

There are a lot of questions on how to complete a timesheet for processing in CMIPS II.
Starting in May 2013, IHSS will have a new payroll system and a new process for submitting timesheets by providers.
Watch this video to learn how:

You can also read these tips and instructions:

New Timesheet Trainings

Please attend ONE training to learn how to fill out the new timecard.
Venga a un entrenamiento para aprender como llenar el nuevo re-porte de horas de IHSS.
Monday ~ Lunes 4/29
11 a.m. or/o 3 p.m.
For service fee payers.

Tuesday ~ Martes 4/30
11 a.m. or/o 3 p.m.
For members only.
Wednesday ~ Miércoles 5/22
11 a.m. or/o 3 p.m.
For service fee payers.
Thursday ~ Jueves 5/30
11 a.m. or/o 3 p.m.
For members only.
Location: SEIU Local 521, 2302 Zanker Rd., San Jose
RSVP is a must! ~ Se REQUIERE hacer su reservación de su lugar.
English: 408-678-3365 ; Spanish: 408-678-3368; Tiếng Việt: 408-678-3377
Flyers (PDF): For Members | Service Fee Payers