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After rejecting San Benito County’s last, best, and final contract offer on Oct. 8, workers turned up the heat with a series of actions the week of October 13-19, 2013.
San Benito County - Day of Mourning
“Day of Mourning” – Friday, Oct. 18
San Benito County workers wore all black on Oct. 18 to mourn county services. This action concluded a week of actions in San Benito County, after the workers rejected the county’s offer of devastating cuts on Oct. 8.
See photo album on Facebook.
“BOO on the Board of Supervisors” rally – Wednesday, Oct. 16

Mark Patton, Mental Health Clinician, urges San Benito County residents to come on down on Friday, Oct. 18, Noon at 4th and San Benito streets in Hollister to show their support:

See photo album on Facebook.

Oct. 14: Health & Human Services Workers @ 1111 San Felipe Road are Ready to Strike for a Fair Contract Now!

Workers voted unanimously to reject the county’s offer of devastating cuts on Oct. 8. The last offer would have resulted in:

  • 7% less pay for workers
  • loss of two top steps (10%) in salary schedule
  • changes in healthcare that would result in 50% to 75% of premium costs absorbed by employees hired after 1/1/2002.

Oct. 15: Workers attended San Benito County Board of Supervisors meeting. Five members spoke during public comment and gave personal testimonies of how budget cuts have affected them.

These cuts are devastating to workers who have already given their share of concessions in past years, to help the county balance their budget.  It’s time for the county and the Board of Supervisors to find responsible ways to fix the budget that will help San Benito community, not further harm the services county workers provide. 
Workers staged actions this Wednesday and Friday and called on the county to return to the bargaining table to reach a fair agreement. Weighing all their options, workers expressed strong concerns that a strike would devastate the community and urge a return to negotiations.

“We are San Benito County workers. We live here and pay taxes here. We work hard to support our families. We are part of the solution. We will not be the county’s bank any longer and we will not allow the county to continue to balance the budget on our backs. It’s time for solutions and true leadership from this board.”
— Joan Miranda, San Benito County worker addressing the board of supervisors on Oct. 15.

TAKE ACTION: Support San Benito County workers!
1. Call or email the  Board of Supervisors.

Send them this message:
“San Benito County workers have gone without increases for years in an effort to close budget deficits. Workers continued to work more with less, even while staffing levels continue to decline due to lack of qualified staff in public health and behavioral health departments who are reluctant to stay with a county that only continues to reduce wages and benefits, while other neighboring counties recover. THESE CUTS DON’T HEAL OUR SAN BENITO COUNTY COMMUNITY. As an (employee or supporter of workers) I urge the Board to do the right thing and return to the bargaining table to get to an agreement that does not take quality, affordable healthcare away from county workers and further cut employees pay that will devastate their families.”

District 1: Margie Barrios: (831) 637-8717, sbcsuper@cosb.us
District 2: Anthony Botelho: (831) 623-4228, sbcsuper@cosb.us
District 3: Robert Rivas: (831) 905-4633, sbcsuper@cosb.us
District 4: Jerry Muenzer: (831) 637-2121, sbcsuper@cosb.us
District 5: Jaime De La Cruz: (831) 297-2248, sbcsuper@cosb.us
Print and distribute the flyer (PDF)
2. Visit the San Benito County Chapter Facebook page, and like and share posts with your circle of friends.