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After we submitted our proposal, the county cancelled our negotiation session on Thursday, Jan. 17, which was when they were supposed to deliver a counter proposal to us. We need to let them know that we are serious about our negotiations.

Attend the following actions to fight for better wages and benefits by:

Calling our County Supervisors with the following message:

Hello Supervisor, my name is ___________ and I am a homecare worker. I work very hard caring for my  ___________. I have been very considerate of the County, by giving back .15 cents of my wage, paying more than double for my health benefits and sacrificing many of our family needs, because I knew the county needed us to help.
But now that the County has funding to help us, you are unwilling to show us the respect or consideration to give us a living wage. Please show us the respect and commitment we deserve.
Thank you!

1. Supervisor Mike Wasserman: 408-299-5010
2. Supervisor George Shirakawa: 408-299-5020
3. Supervisor Dave Cortese: 408-299-5030
4. Supervisor Ken Yeager: 408-299-5040
5. Supervisor Joe Simitian: 408-299-5050
If you prefer, please email the County Supervisors with your message:

Please respect homecare workers and negotiate with us fairly for a living wage!

District 1: mike.wasserman@bos.sccgov.org ; District 2: supervisor.shirakawa@bos.sccgov.org
District 3: dave.cortese@bos.sccgov.org ; District 4: Supervisor.yeager@bos.sccgov.org
District 5: Supervisor.simitian@bos.sccgov.org
Attend the action on:
WHEN: Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
WHERE: 70 W. Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110
(Corner of N. First Street and Hedding)