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SBCo_RallyPhoto3Workers for San Benito County and City of Hollister banded together for a rally on July 20, calling for unity of the community, workers and leadership to “Build a Better San Benito County.” They united at the corner of 4th St. and San Benito St. in Hollister demanding recognition of the negative impact the worker shortage has had on public services and highlighted the need for re-investment in public workers.
Better San Benito LogoAfter two years of significant cuts to the healthcare and retirement plans of public workers for San Benito County, the county has been unable to recruit and retain critical front line staff, including public health nurses, social workers—despite dozens of job openings ready to be filled. At the same time, City of Holllister employees have struggled with nearly 10 years of concessions in retirement, healthcare and wages, and after three months of bargaining are demanding to reach agreement on a fair contract.
SBCo_RallyPhoto5Without competitive compensation, workers are fleeing for higher wages in neighboring Santa Cruz and Monterey counties. In an effort to sustain quality services to the community, public workers are calling on the county to reinvest in its frontline workers as a foundation to build a better San Benito County.
For the latest on San Benito County: https://www.seiu521.org/cosb