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International Convention 2012
The SEIU International Convention, held every four years, is the highest governing body of our union. Delegates representing every SEIU member must approve all decisions and policies and programs of the union and are meeting to do this work together in Denver, Colo., over the Memorial Day weekend.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

International Convention in Denver, Day 1
International Convention in Denver, Day 1

Nearly 1,000 SEIU public sector workers came together on Monday, May 28 to share recent organizing victories and to confront the challenges ahead in our fight for a fair economy.
The 521 delegation invigorated the room with the chant: “Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, don’t give up the fight.” See video highlights below:

Said one speaker: “Every generation has its own fight. Taking back our community is our fight.”
Region 2 Vice President Matt Nathanson addressed the issue of retirement security for all. View video clip here.
In-Home Supportive Services delegate Dolly Clemente moved the audience with her remarks about seeking the American Dream: “I came to America to improve my economic standing. Only in America is there a middle class. We need to rebuild our middle class.”
Stay tuned for the next report from Day 2… Huge action/rally planned, calling on banks to pay their fair share of taxes!
View more photos on Facebook.
View photo slideshow on Flickr.
Denver Post: SEIU, Civil-rights Activists to Join Forces at Denver Convention
“The SEIU is both a union and a movement,” explained Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the NAACP, in a Denver Post article this morning profiling the SEIU convention. Against a backdrop of rising income inequality, “3,000 SEIU delegates and social activists will gather this week in Denver for the union’s international convention, with the aim of developing a broad, collaborative blueprint for the future,” the article explained, noting SEIU’s successes both in organizing workers and fighting for justice.
Read the news article here.
SEIU Convention delegates gathered on April 28 for regional pre-convention meetings held in Fresno and Los Angeles to plan out the 99% agenda that will be at the core of this week’s work in Denver. Click here to read more.
Delegates in Denver are sharing exciting news (and photos!) with their SEIU 521 brothers and sisters at home through Facebook, Twitter, Texting and blogging on this website. So stay in the loop and connect with other SEIU 521 members using the social tool of your choice!