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Lynn Krugs' gardenLynn Krug, SEIU 521 member and steward for the City of Palo Chapter, has a garden in Palo Alto which is part of the Bay-Friendly Garden Tour on Sunday, April 29 (see photo on the left).
The cost is $10 for a Tour Guidebook alone, or $35 for Guidebook, plus Bay-Friendly Membership.
Buy guidebooks at Common Ground, 559 College Ave., Palo Alto, 94306.
For more information, please call (650) 493-6072 or visit www.commongroundinpaloalto.org
Click here for a Youtube video of Lynn’s garden.
This year’s host gardens represent the many different styles of Bay-Friendly. You will find urban homesteads with orchards, chickens and bees, greywater installations by local experts, and drought tolerant replacements for water thirsty lawns. The host gardeners themselves are a diverse group that includes permaculturists, native plant enthusiasts, do-it-yourselfers and landscape professionals.