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With less than five months until uninsured Californians can apply for health care coverage through the state, a Sacramento proposal to take $1.5 billion from counties’ health care funding would significantly erode county public health care programs and services and squander opportunities to invest in improved health for all Californians.

Attend a press conference on Monday, May 13 in San Jose, or help lobby in Sacramento on Wednesday, May 15.

In case you missed it: Sacramento Bee editorial urges caution realigning county funding in state budget as part of ACA implementation
Who is the Protect the Healthcare Safety Net coalition?
As Sacramento debates how to get California ready to implement the Affordable Care Act in 2014, SEIU members have joined forces with key allies to speak with one voice: Protect local health care safety nets that are a critical resource for everyone in our community.
The Protect the Health Care Safety Net coalition comprises labor, county supervisors, public hospital systems, community clinics, public health and consumer advocates, and other health care providers.
Read our coalition letter (PDF).
Our goal is to make sure the state maximizes opportunities to cover uninsured Californians while also strengthening the health care safety net.
Our coalition opposes Gov. Brown’s plan to redirect county health care funding which would significantly erode county public health care programs and services.
Read our press release.