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As a public sector employee, you play a vital role serving our communities. Whether you work for a state, county, or local agency, in a court, school district, public hospital, library or government office, you may interact with the public and have access to databases with personal information on a daily basis. As a result, your worksite and the information you gather may be sought out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). The uncertainty about how the current presidential administration will be enforcing immigration laws has led to a lot of confusion and questions by workers like you. As a result, we have developed this toolkit to help you understand your basic rights and responsibilities when it comes to interacting with ICE at your worksite.
Please help spread the word by sharing our Know your Rights flyer!

We’ve also set up a phone line for you to call for updated information. From May 29 to June 10, text RIGHTS to 52866 and you will receive a special number that you can call 24 hours a day to hear basic pre-recorded information about your rights as public sector workers when dealing with immigration officials at your worksite. For follow-up questions, visit www.askseiu.org

A new directory on the California Courts online self-help center provides a comprehensive set of links to information and resources for immigrants who must access the legal system. The directory includes information and links to resources on:

  • How a California state court case may affect immigration status;
  • What to do when a parent is separated from a child;
  • Avoiding immigration scams; and
  • Where to find an immigration lawyer
