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A delegation of more than 30 Local 521 members marched on the State Capitol on Tuesday, May 30 to join labor activists from across California in a protest and rally for immigrants’ rights.
Members met with their State Senators and lobbied for five immigrants’ rights bills that provide strong legal and civil rights protections for undocumented immigrants – and all Californians- caught in President Trump’s drastic deportation machine. The lobbying efforts paid off – AB450 passed in the Assembly and is headed to the State Senate next!
Senate Bill 54, also known as the sanctuary state bill, has already passed in the Senate on April 4 and is currently making its way through the Assembly. Authored by Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León, SB54 prohibits local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE officials to enforce immigration laws. Immigration enforcement is in the jurisdiction of federal agencies (like Immigration and Customs Enforcement, aka ICE). Local law enforcement (your local police) are not required to enforce immigration policy.
Assembly Bill 450 passed in the Assembly, thanks in part to the lobbying efforts of working people and union members. The bill heads to the State Senate next; if passed, AB450 will require employers to ask federal authorities for a warrant before letting them onto their property.
Local 521 members were interviewed in multiple newscasts. Watch footage of Kern County Public Defender Laurie Mason and Fresno Unified School District janitor Valeska Sanchez.
View more photos of the day’s events on Facebook.
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