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1,001 Leaders: Meet Sandra, Marilyn, and Jo

“As union members, it’s very critical that we actually advocate for our communities – we work with working families, so we know how important it is to have things like healthcare and safe conditions at work.” -Marilyn Mara, Public Health Nurse II, Santa Clara County.

Public Health Nurses and Public Health Assistants connect our most at-risk community members with the resources they need to thrive. Whether working at an outpatient facility or meeting patients in the home, public health nurses and assistants take on the role of not only healthcare provider, but of social worker, therapist, and community advocate. Because their emotionally demanding work places them in vulnerable situations, public health workers need to be protected at work to serve to the best of their abilities.
In the face of anti-worker attacks like the Janus v. AFSCME U.S. Supreme Court case, our union celebrates National Nurses Week to say loud and proud that #AmericaNeedsUnionJobs. We are committed to resisting these attacks, supporting all workers, and building a stronger union.
Learn more about Sandra, Marilyn and Jo’s work by watching this short video:

Join Sandra, Marilyn and Jo to become a shop steward, or sign up to be one of SEIU Local 521’s 1,001 Leaders!