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On Monday, Nov. 20, DHS announced that it will terminate TPS for 50,000 Haitians, sending a strong signal that El Salvador, Honduras, and several other countries are on also the clock for termination. Haitians with TPS who are unable to obtain another lawful status are required to leave by July 22, 2019.
“The decision to terminate TPS is heartbreaking, and harmful in every way. As we gather around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with our families, thousands of families will be forced to go back to a country that is not equipped to receive them. Besides the human toll on Haitian TPS recipients and their families, it will be costly for their employers, ruinous to the up and coming neighborhoods where they often live, and destabilizing to their countries of origin.” -SEIU Executive Vice President Rocio Saenz

On November 6, 2017, Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Secretary Duke announced the termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nicaraguans. The end of this important program means that thousands of people from Nicaragua who have lived in the United States legally for years, some for nearly two decades, will lose their permission to live and work here and could face deportation. While this announcement did not include the end of TPS for 57,000 Hondurans as expected, it is another example of the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant, and racist assault on hardworking people who contribute to and are part of our communities. But we will not back down. We are united in this fight to protect immigrant families.
Visit iAmerica for a list of important things Nicaraguans and Hondurans with TPS should know and do now.
Eliminating TPS will create massive, costly damage to our communities and will result in a $164 billion loss from the U.S. GDP over the next decade, according to the Center for American Progress.

Take Action! Call your member of Congress now and demand they support a bill that allows people who already have TPS to stay here legally: 1-877-472-4068

The State Department claims that TPS is no longer necessary for hundreds of thousands of hard working immigrants, prompting SEIU Executive Vice President Rocio Sáenz to release a statement saying, “The TPS recipients whose future is at stake are long-term residents who have been living and working here legally for many years, working in stable jobs, paying taxes, supporting families, and otherwise contributing to their communities… It is not too late to make the right decision for all of us and to extend TPS for these good people.”
Read Sáenz’s entire statement, and learn more about TPS with our fact sheet.
Read this weekend’s articles written by or featuring SEIU members and leaders in the Miami Herald, Philadelphia Daily News, WNYC and North Jersey.com.