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The Purple Buzz
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Engage Members. Develop Leaders. Build Political & Community Power.

Protect Our Retirement Security

Make your voice heard and help decide who should run CalPERS! At this important town hall meeting, SEIU members will recommend endorsing candidates for the CalPERS Board of Administration, which is responsible for the management and control of CalPERS.
WHEN: Monday, June 12, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. (Dinner provided)
WHERE: Live in Sacramento and broadcasted to our SEIU 521 offices in Bakersfield, Fresno, Salinas, San Jose, and Santa Cruz.
WHO: SEIU members who are eligible for, or currently receive benefits from CalPERS (pension and/or health programs)
RSVP now: 521.seiu.org/calpers0612
We work on improving retirement security via endorsements of candidates that will protect our pensions, and through efforts to move Secure Choice forward in California for private-sector workers who don’t have any retirement plan, such as our child care providers.
Don’t have or know someone who doesn’t have retirement security?
We want to hear from you! 521.seiu.org/retirementwithdignity

Join the #Fight4ourhealth & Save Lives

June 14
The healthcare repeal is back – and it’s worse than ever. The plan would endanger the lives of 133 million people with pre-existing conditions by allowing insurance companies to charge as much as they want, and would completely gut Medicaid for 74 million seniors, children, and people with disabilities. All this to pay for huge tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%.
Join the National Call-In Day on Wednesday, June 14!
Call 866-426-2631 and tell the Senate to vote NO on the repeal bill.
What else can you do?
Join the #fight4ourhealth, share a story, send a tweet, share posts on Facebook: www.seiu521.org/f4oh

Father’s Day is Around the Corner

SEIU union members add strength to contract negotiations and get access to discounts and coupons. Take advantage on Father’s Day!
Find out more at www.seiu521.org/benefits
Father's Day
Not a full member yet? Join today: 521.seiu.org/join

For other news, check out the June edition of our Talking Points: