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After their latest failed attempt to deny healthcare for millions of Americans, Congress voted on Thursday, Oct. 26, to pave the way for huge tax giveaways to millionaires and corporations at the expense of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and education programs that matter in the lives of working families. In addition, Congress is considering adding provisions into the budget which would sabotage our healthcare system, build a border wall, and fund more private prisons to lock up immigrants.
These efforts are a direct affront to our working families and our communities. We are fed up with a political and economic system that is rigged against us. Members of Congress should be focusing on creating good jobs, investing in education, and supporting the ability of working people to stick together in unions to make their voices heard.
Riko Mendez“Our members are on the front lines helping working families and the most vulnerable populations every day.  We know how our communities will suffer if these cuts to vital services are made in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. We will do everything we can to stop this terrible and cruel budget from passing!”
– Riko Mendez, SEIU Local 521 Chief Elected Officer
The programs Congress is proposing to slash in order to pay for their tax cuts for the wealthy aren’t just important to the most vulnerable people who rely on them to pay the bills. California relies on this funding for its own budgets, and will be forced to cut even deeper to make up for less money from the federal government.  Our cities and counties would feel the pain too, as the budget pressure trickles down to local government. This will put some of our jobs at risk when corporate CEOs are seeing their paychecks get bigger and bigger.
However, all 14 House Republicans from California voted in favor of this rigged budget.
SEIU members and our allies are fighting back against these efforts, just as we have stymied attacks on our healthcare before. From coast to coast between now and November of 2018, our union members will be watching Congress closely and will hold those elected officials accountable who continue to support policies that further rig the system against working families.
What’s next and what can you do?
As early as next week, the House will take the final vote to try to pass this budget that will only help the wealthy; we must stop this budget!

  • Call your Member of Congress Now at 1-855-713-0060. Tell Congress to prioritize the needs of working families and reject this rigged budget.
    (Note: You may be redirected to your nearest GOP representative.)
  • Tweet or post on Facebook: Working people reject the #GOPBudget that puts billionaires ahead of our families. Tell Congress to reject it. 1-855-713-0060