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City of Santa Cruz workers
With their contract nearing expiration within days, City of Santa Cruz workers held two actions at the city council meeting June 25.
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During both actions, multiple members approached the podium one by one and told their personal stories of economic hardship and expressed why workers need to be treated with dignity and respect.
Their message to elected leaders: Workers have made sacrifices for years to protect services and are now struggling just to make ends meet. When workers struggle, the community struggles. Now it’s time the city does the right thing and settles a fair contract for workers and community services.

“I have been living literally paycheck to paycheck.  I’m at the end. I am seriously looking at bankruptcy probably in the next six months. I know people in my office who are in similar situations. We have all supported the city, both by working for the city and doing our best, and by being generous of heart during the economic downturn. We gave back. Now I would really like you guys to consider supporting your employees. ”
Sasha Lydon, City of Santa Cruz Water Dept. Customer Service for 15 years
“We’re just looking for an economic recovery that is respectful to the workers. I don’t know how much more any of us could sacrifice. We gave and we gave and we gave. You’re telling the public that we’re on the road to recovery. We also need to recover.”
Doris Henry, City of Santa Cruz Chapter President

See more photos on Flickr.