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Path towards Racial and Social Equity Relies on Taxing California Billionaires  

Our Bay area union coworkers, allies, labor leaders, and elected officials joined in a caravan lead by SEIU Local 521 of approximately 100 cars in Atherton, CA, to demand billionaires pay their fair share to fix long-term racial and social inequities made even starker during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“I went because in this pandemic we have families who are struggling as essential workers and laid-off workers trying to survive and feed their families, not to mention those without health insurance too.  We live in one world while we have Billionaires in California not paying their fair share of taxes. It’s immoral.  And, I brought my two teenage daughters so that they could see the difference we can thrive for in our communities.  I was so happy and proud of my fellow union brothers and sisters who all brought kids along to show them and teach them how together we can make a difference in the future.”

Tammy Dhanota, SEIU 521 Region 1 Vice President