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UOP FresnoTraining
Are you ready to lead our union to a brighter future?
This workshop prepares members for leadership roles and how to utilize our union power to make a difference at our worksites and in our communities.

Members will receive training and have fun making a serious difference in the lives of working families. Workshops will focus on real-life organizing opportunities and challenges.

Members from Fresno Housing Authorities, First Student, and Fresno County participated in the first training session of “Unleashing Our Power” at the Fresno Union Hall. The event was hosted by staff from SEIU International and covered new strategies and tactics for organizing and growing our union.  The workshop focused on real-life organizing opportunities and challenges.

Members were empowered by the first training session and really got into the exercises. They were here to learn and grow as member leaders and make a difference within their worksites and their community.
The most powerful way to connect with workers is with our stories and experiences as members of SEIU Local 521. Only members can talk about the power of our union and how it impacts our quality of life.
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