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Campbell Union High School District Chapter

We Reached a Tentative Agreement!

Membership Meeting & Online Vote on Wednesday, May 20

Dear co-workers,

In these unprecedented times, our bargaining team has worked hard to reach a tentative agreement with the District.  There were a few remote bargaining sessions, social distancing, and masks that we had to adjust to, but we always had our membership’s best interest in mind. Our bargaining team is recommending a YES vote on the tentative agreement.

Here are the highlights of the tentative agreement:

  • Vacation will now be loaded up front, which means based on years of service, members will be able to receive their full vacation hours at the beginning of the year.
  • Bus drivers will earn $100.00 split shift differential per month according to CBA prerequisite.
  • Overtime hours will be offered on a rotating basis by seniority and by site first before it is offered to other qualified members at other sites.
  • For the 2019-2020 school year each full-time bargaining unit employee who is employed at the time the payment is made will receive a one-time “off the salary schedule” payment equal to $2,700.00.  Part-timers will be pro-rated accordingly to the number of hours worked.

Attend the Online General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Our bargaining team will be there to answer any questions you may have and explain why they recommend voting YES.

Three ways to join:

NOTE – You must install the free Zoom app on your smartphone or computer prior to the meeting: https://zoom.us

  • One tap mobile: +16699009128,,94419715224#
  • By phone: Dial 1-669-900-9128 then type meeting ID: 94419715224.

Online Vote on Tentative Agreement
Wednesday, May 20 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


  • You must be a member to vote. We must have received your membership application no later than Monday, May 18, 2020.
 Become an SEIU 521 union member now: 
  • We must also have a correct subscribed personal email address and/or cell phone number for you on file so that an online ballot can be sent to you via email or text message. Update your contact information here no later than Monday, May 18, 2020: https://www.seiu521.org/signup
  • Our bargaining team will be upstairs in the MOT training room if you need assistance to be able to vote online from 12:00 to 3:00. Due to social distancing, we will limit the number of people in the room to 4 at a time. You may also contact Roxanne at 408.964.8220 or roxanne.barnett@seiu521.org for assistance during the online vote.

In unity,

Your SEIU 521 Campbell Union HSD Bargaining Team