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Media Advisory for Saturday, October 21, 2023, in Bakersfield, CA

Contact: Elsa Mejia (559) 385-6857

BAKERSFIELD, CA – Child Care Providers United (CCPU), the union representing family child care providers statewide, will present one of a series of free healthcare fund fairs this Saturday, October 21 from 9 a.m. to noon in Bakersfield, California.

Eligible family child care providers from throughout the state are already benefiting from a tax-free, healthcare reimbursement available for medical expenses from the $100 million fund that Child Care Providers United (CCPU), California’s only union for family child care providers, won in 2022 and renewed in its latest union contract.

The healthcare fund fair planned for Saturday, October 21 at the SEIU Local 521 Union Hall, 1001 17th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301, is free, and is the latest in this series to be hosted throughout the state.

The healthcare fund fair will kick off with an informative presentation, and representatives will also be on-site to guide child care providers and answer any questions. All childcare providers interested in signing up or learning more about the benefits of the healthcare fund reimbursement available for medical expenses are encouraged to attend.

Bakersfield and surrounding area child care providers are encouraged to register to attend the free healthcare fund fair by registering at https://bit.ly/45ofbHW

WHO: All childcare providers interested in signing up or learning more about the benefits of the healthcare fund reimbursement

WHAT: CCPU Healthcare Fund Enrollment Fair

WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

WHERE: SEIU Local 521 Union Hall, 1001 17th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

REGISTRATION: Attendees may register by visiting https://bit.ly/45ofbHW

More information about the CCPU Health Care Fund may be found here at https://www.ccpuhealth.org/ 

Child Care Providers United brings together more than 40,000 family child care providers across California and is a partnership of SEIU Local 99, SEIU Local 521, and UDW/AFSCME Local 3930.