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Media Contact: Victor Gamiz

Fresno, California – The following statement can be attributed to Esther Rojas-Jasso, Substitute Teacher and President of the Fresno Area Substitute Teachers Association (FASTA), a chapter of the SEIU Local 521: 

“Our FASTA substitute teachers are highly qualified, offer top notch support and learning and we are proud of their dedication to the Fresno Unified School District, its students and community. We continue our support for FTA, our students and our community, and are committed to honoring our contract with Fresno Unified School District. FASTA members reserve the right to exercise their conscience to honor any picket line if that is what their conscience tells them, which is their individual statutory right under the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA).”


Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents 53,000 public- and nonprofit, private-sector workers in California’s Bay Area, the Central Coast, and in the Central Valley. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.